Edward & Bella

Edward & Bella
Edward & Bella

petak, 9. srpnja 2010.


Hello to all Twi-fans!! We know it took us a while to set up this blog (3 movies). Also, please, have in mind that this blog is under construction, but we will try our best to make it 'just right'. :-)
We'll get to know a bit more about the books of the saga (like we don't know them already) and the author herself. Then we'll switch to the movies and actors, which will be followed by news and gossssssssip. :-) Of course, plethora of pics.
We'll have some competitions and games (be sure to answer the poll on the right!).
Oh let us introduce ourselves! We are two (crazy women) Twilight fans. We think that's the most important thing here! :-) Our names are Ivona and Martina, and we are from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. We know each other since elementary and we've been (crazy women) fans of stuff before. :-) It's in our blood! :-) But as we are now grown up, married, working moms, clearly the abstinence of being fans has struck us in the head so we finally cracked and 'jumped on' TWILIGHT!!! :-) And we divided ourselves equally: Ivona - team Edward; Martina - team Jacob.
We hope that you'll like our blog, soon we'll put up an e-mail address where you can send your compliments, odiums and suggestions.
So.... let the show begin....

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